Unexplained Candle Mysteries - 🕯️ Supernatural Phenomenon

Hey there! It's Ava from Candle Fairy, and I'm here to shed some light on why your candle may have extinguished and relit itself. Don't worry, it's not magic, but rather a common occurrence in the world of candle making.

1. Drafts and air currents: One of the most common reasons for a candle extinguishing and relighting is the presence of drafts or air currents in the room. Even a slight breeze from an open window or a nearby fan can disrupt the flame and cause it to go out. Once the draft subsides, the flame can reignite on its own.

2. Uneven wax pool: Another reason for a candle to extinguish and relight is an uneven wax pool. When the candle burns, the wax melts and forms a pool around the wick. If the pool becomes too deep or too shallow, it can affect the flame's ability to sustain itself. A deep pool can drown the wick, while a shallow pool may not provide enough fuel for the flame. When the wax pool evens out, the flame can relight.

3. Wick length: The length of the wick plays a crucial role in the candle's burn. If the wick is too long, it can create a large, flickering flame that may extinguish itself. On the other hand, if the wick is too short, it may struggle to draw up enough fuel to sustain the flame. Trimming the wick to the recommended length (usually around 1/4 inch) can help prevent extinguishing and relighting. You can learn more about this in our comprehensive guide on choosing the right candle wick.

4. Wax quality: The type and quality of wax used in your candle can also impact its burn. Some waxes, like soy wax, have a lower melting point and can be more prone to extinguishing in certain conditions. If you're experiencing frequent extinguishing and relighting, it may be worth experimenting with different wax types or blends to find one that suits your needs. Our bulk candle wax buying guide can help you make an informed decision.

5. Candle container: The container in which your candle is housed can affect its burn as well. If the container is too small or narrow, it may not provide enough oxygen for the flame to thrive. Similarly, if the container is too wide or shallow, it may expose the flame to drafts or air currents. Opting for a container that is appropriately sized for your candle can help prevent extinguishing and relighting.

Remember, candle making is both an art and a science, and sometimes even the most experienced candle makers encounter these issues. If you're experiencing persistent problems with your candles, don't hesitate to reach out to us for troubleshooting tips or consider joining one of our candle making classes to learn more about the techniques and best practices.

Happy candle making, and may your flames burn bright and steady!

Ava Moonlight
aromatherapy, essential oils, candle making, wellness

Ava Moonlight is a certified aromatherapist and candle maker who combines her love for essential oils and candles to create soothing and fragrant products. She has been in the field for over 8 years and enjoys teaching others about the benefits of aromatherapy and how to incorporate it into their candle making process.